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they have formed a partnership with America On Line (the largest Internet Provider in the
world). Beginning approximately December 1, 1999 Barnes and Noble will open a new
central warehouse with SAME DAY SHIPPING of any book they have in stock. This
service will be available to AOL members and to people visiting barnesandnoble.com on
the Internet. PLUS, the books will be available to ALL Barnes and Noble retail stores
via their computer system.
After reviewing one of our published books for quality Barnes and Noble has selected
our company as one of its members. They buy every book we publish for their
category review board that makes the decisions on what, and when to promote.
Publishing a book in most cases is easy
to do....getting stocked and
sold in major bookstores
is the hardest thing to accomplish. To date we have had minor success
getting into major stores.
This announcement is a
accomplishment for us and for
present and future Authors
we publish for.
This means when we publish YOUR book it WILL be sold to Barnes and Noble when
we have your book finished. If they decide to promote your book it WILL be
available through barnesandnoble.com website AND all Barnes and Noble
bookstores via special order....worldwide.
Our first book submitted to them got listed in 4 days.
by Dr. Peter A. Sacco, Ph.D.
We are PROUD to offer you, our Authors, this great service and advantage.
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